Asking The Proper Dowsing Questions - Spirit of Change Magazine (2024)

Greg Storozuk,

Asking The Proper Dowsing Questions - Spirit of Change Magazine (1)

Every experienced dowser knows that our skill is multi-faceted, involving several critical aspects for its proper functioning, which this column has previously addressed in orderly stages as best as possible. Now that mental preparation has been touched upon, the next thing on the list is forming the dowsing question.

Do keep in mind however, that all aspects of dowsing work in concert with one another as a finely tuned machine. No one thing is superior to another, nor should any aspect be removed, slighted, or thought of as unworthy, lest the machine fail to function properly and as smoothly as intended.

The first key point to be mentioned about forming questions is always to write your questions down. This step is most often bypassed by beginning and sometimes seasoned dowsers as well.

“Why write the questions down? Isn’t it a waste of time?” Well…what’s the rush? If you’re in a hurry to dowse then you shouldn’t be dowsing in the first place.

A calm, balanced, mind is step one, remember? As mentioned earlier, dowsing is a mental skill and therefore it’s necessary to relax your mind before you begin. Continue your dowsing experience in its proper sequence. Relax. Take your time. Think out your questions logically and sequentially. Writing out your questions gives you the advantage of a written record without having to rely on memory alone.

A second reason for writing your questions down is because the human mind is capricious, quickly changing from one thought to another. Focus is imperative in the dowsing routine so by writing your questions down you will be better able to concentrate only on the subject about which you’re asking questions.

A third reason is that memory is fallible, and seldom, if ever, can you ask the same question for the same target structure in an identical manner. Consistency is necessary in your dowsing routine and written questions offer that consistency. Enough said. Write your questions down… always.

Once you have your pad, pencil with a good eraser, dictionary and thesaurus in front of you, the next aspect of question formation is to think in precise terms of what it is you want to find with a calm, relaxed, and logical mind.

If, for example, you’re searching for a site to dig a water well, dowsing for just “water” isn’t good enough. Exactly what are you searching for? Fresh water? (Of course!) Potable? (Naturally!) Shallow? Deep? Flowing? (Hmmm…never thought about that.) Is this a constant, year round, dependable flow? Or is it seasonal? Is the water cold? Geothermal? Is the fresh water you located contaminated? If so, by what what contaminants? Iron? Sulfur? Coliforms? Radioactivity? Sewage? In what percentages?

The more you think about your target the more questions come to mind, so the wording of those questions must be as specific as possible. Wording is critical!

To take another example, many people dowse their vitamins. Would you ask, “Does my body need vitamin C?” This is an example of a poorly worded question. Of course the body needs vitamin C. That isn’t really the question. The real questions are, “Which brand of vitamin C is best for me? In what dosage? How many times a day should I take this dosage? With or without food? Is it best to take it by itself? Or is it best to take it with other vitamins?

Knowing your target is another key factor in forming the proper questions. That’s why you use a pencil with a good eraser!

The next point is to make certain that your question can only be answered by a simple “yes” or “no.” Think about all the implications of your search question. If the factors are many and the question is too long, asking a series of short, simple questions is usually best with each question covering only a single aspect of the target.

For example: “Is there any potable fresh water located underground on this property that is suitable for a water well?” This question is logical, precise, short, and covers just one aspect of the final search objective — to locate a water well for a client — and is only answerable by “yes” or “no.”

What I’ve done in the past, and still do to this day, is to write down what I consider to be the perfect question for my search objective using a dictionary and thesaurus for correct wording…and that pencil with a good eraser. When I’m done, I put the pad on a shelf and let it sit for three days. When I return to the question after letting it mellow, I re-read it, and usually find my question isn’t as perfect as I’d like it to be, so I re-word the question until once again I think it’s perfect. Then it goes back on the shelf.

This may go on repeatedly for some time (and it has!), until I’ve reached what I feel is the perfect question to add to my routine. This question is precise and in a box with no opening that my active mind can penetrate to throw me off course. All the bases have been touched. All the holes have been sealed.

This technique has served me well for many years, and also allows me to keep a written record for the same or similar searches down the road. The proper state of mind and asking perfect questions are crucial to the successful completion of any dowsing search.

>> Read the next column in the series “Choosing A Dowsing Instrument“.

Learn more aboutthe 2021 virtual 61st Annual Dower’s Convention June 9-13.

The Beginner Dowser Series: Learn to Dowse

Read Greg Storozuk’s installment series for the beginning dowser. For best dowsing success, read the columns in order, starting with number 1.

  1. Start at the Ground and Work Your Way Up
  2. The Dowsing State of Mind
  3. Preparing and Practicing the Dowsing Mindset
  4. Asking the Proper Questions
  5. Choosing a Dowsing Instrument
  6. Locating Practice Targets

The late Greg Storozuk, an ASD past president, was a professional dowser who concentrated his dowsing in the areas of water, geopathic zones, oil, minerals, clearings, and map dowsing. He authoredA Dowsers Series. See“Tributes”

Find holisticDowsing Practitioners in the Spirit of Change online directory.
Asking The Proper Dowsing Questions - Spirit of Change Magazine (2024)
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