The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)

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Scottsboro, Alabama

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PAGE 2 THE DAILY SENTINEL SCOTTSBORO ALABAMA THURSDAY JULY 5 1979 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Registration Reunion NEWSWATCH Holiday Rebels attack Horse show Reunion Revival Reunion EDITORIALS VIEWPOINT AND OPINIONS China visit Reunion Revival Imports problem Reunion Reunion Youth choir Homecoming Reunion Revival Crafts festival Summer program Recycling RSVP means service Area Berry's World Weather Area IE NE 79 Deaths Mrs Carter Could we get into some heavier stuff like oil company ads? gar jL3r rwg fl REVIVAL SERVICES will begin Monday and continue through July 13 at New Home Baptist Church with nightly services at 7 pm Everyone is invited to attend Pastor Wesley Johnston will do the preaching NEW HOME Baptist Church will have homecoming Sunday 11 am There will be preaching in the mor ning and special singing in the af ternoon Pastor Wesley Johnston in vites everyone to attend By ANTHONY HARRIGAN The impossible of quotas on five categories of textile imports from Communist China marks the begin ning of realism on trade with that country Despite its eagerness to get an agreement with Peking the Carter administration found it impossible to get the Chinese to limit exports to the United States Without limits the American tex tile industry would be destroyed Chinese textile workers eam only 20 cents an hour Obviously American firms hope to compete against Chinese factories manned with virtual slave labor Even with the imposition of quotas the volume of permitted shipments to the United States is enormous or example the Chinese will be allowed to ship 1088632 pairs of cotton trousers to America Almost 3 million paors of Chinese made cotton gloves will be sold here The quotas are only a temporary step The Executive and Legislative branches must rognize that the Chinese problem go away In the half dozen years that Com munist China has been a force in the world textile trade it has become the sixth largest supplier of the US market The American textile industry which is a major provider of jobs in our country in a good position to resist a trade invasion by China and the 18 Third World countries that export textiles Many US apparel manufacturers are limited in size and financial REGISTRATION for new students who will attend Brownwood Cald well Nelson or Page Elementary Schools this fall will be July 9 13 at the respective schools New studen ts may register from 8 am until noon any of these days Student placement will be posted Aug 10 at the schools WEAKER REUNION will be Sun day at Goosepond Park pavillion Everyone is invited to come and bring a picnic lunch Lunch will be served around noon DANIEL AND WILLIAMS reunion will be at Jackson County Park Sun day All friends and relatives are in vited to attend DESCENDANTS of Jeremiah Hicks will have their annual reunion at Ta Co Bet near Scottsboro Sun day All friends and relatives are in vited to attend and bring a basket lunch SECTION RIENDS of the Library are sponsoring a summer story hour each Saturday 10 11 am June 30 July 28 All children pre school through 6th grade are to come and enjoy stories games and refreshments WILSON AMILY reunion will be July 8 at Jackson County Park pavillion Lunch will be served at noon All friends and relatives are invited IC HUMPHREY family will have a reunion the second Sunday in July at the Jackson County Park pavillion All friends and relatives are invited to come and bring a lunch RIENDSHIP BAPTIST Church will have revival services July 8 14 at 7 pm nightly The church is located at ackler Jimmy Garner of Section will be the evangelist Everyone is invited JACKSON COUNTY Ssddle Club Horse Show will be July 7 at 6 pm at McCord arms Admission is $1 and public is invited LETCHER CHURCH of God will have a revival July 8 15 with services at 7 pm Evangelist will be the Rev Stanley Onsby Pastor A Ballinger invites everyone YOUTH TOUR Choir of irst United Methodist Church of Demopolis will present a musical Sunday July 8 6:30 pm at irst United Methodist Church ellowship Hall in Scott sboro Everyone is invited SCOTTSBORO Recycling Center will be open Saturday from noon until 4 pm Someone will be on hand to help with the unloading of newspapers MASHBURN AMILY reunion will be July 8 at Scottsboro High School lunchroom Doors will be open at 10 am All friends and relatives are invited Area orecast Cooler this afternoon with showers and thunderstorms likely Partly cloudy and a chance of thundershowers tonight and riday Winds northeasterly 5 to 12 mph High this afternoon low 80s Low tonight upper 60s High riday mid 80s Probability of rain is 60 percent this afternoon 30 percent tonight and 30 percent riday MANAGUA Nicaragua (AP) The national guard rushed rein forcements to southern Nicaragua and claimed to have cleared most of the rebels from Rivas but the rebels said they were in control of the town and were mopping up The guard President Anaatasio army and police force said its forces repulsed an attack on Rivas 60 miles southeast of Managua where the Sandinista guerrillas plan to set up their provisional government and were cleaning out a few remaining snipers after heavy fighting Wednesday strength Ironically a number of the textile exporting countries have received financial assistance in ef fect destroys jobs in the United States Since the so called normalization of trade with Communist China there has been a gradual awakening to the fact that trade opportunities what they were imagined to be In the first place Peking ralizes that it the means of financing the huge purchases necessary for rapid modernization of Chinese in dustry Many deals are being made with the Japanese who are in terested in barter agreements war against Vietnam un derlined Communist China's con tinuing aggressive designs Many Americans now see the peril in selling aircraft computers and other adcanced technology to a country with imperial ambitions Most significantly a beginning is made in the United States on a reap praisal of trade issues affecting the US Thoughtful citizens are especially concerned about the ability of Third World countries with extremely low wage levels to undermine if not destroy various American industries Americans also are pondering the effect of European subsidized exports everything from raw steel to automobiles The textile quota decision is an in dication that the opening to China contains dangers as well as op portunities Naive trade with back ward states survive realistic examination GARNER AMILY reunion will be July 15 at the VW Hall All friends and relatives are invited to come says: or example: A retired accountant keeps the local United books RSVP volunteers led by Carrie Teaney 85 visit patients in six nursing homes two women volunteers help little children in a grade school cafeteria a volunteer works with 16 and 17 year old mothers in the community health center others work in an an ti alcoholism campaign and in the special Olympics for handicapped youngsters some RSVP volunteers crochet hats and slippers for needy folks while others make nursing home quilts In all says Mrs Klopfer there are 253 RSVP volunteers in Dearborn County almost six percent of the population over age 60 In a typical month the volunteers do almost 2500 hours of work ree Mrs Klopfer is especially proud of contribution in keeping Hillforest Mansion open The 12 room Italianate home sits high on a bluff overlooking the Ohio River It was built in the mid 1850s by in dustrialist Thomas Gaff Today Hillforest is leading cultural ornament Thanks to 25 to 30 RSVP volunteers who acted as greeters and guides hundreds of people can tour Hillforest every week Mrs Klopfer is getting 122402 from ACTION this year to keep her volunteers going raising another $9600 locally to piece out her budget Similar projects operate all over the country They range from irrigation work in die Southwest to juvenile court work in New England If 60 or older this is a chance to do real community service pretty much on your own schedule You can look up your local project under AC TION or RSVP in the phone book and ask for a job If you have an RSVP project in your community you might con sider organizing one About a third of the funding must be local Check the phone book of your state capital for the ACTION listing and call the ACTION office there That office is equipped to tell you what to do and how much money could be available for RSVP PEKING (AP) Peaches and Herb a black American disco team swayed and sang today to blaring recorded music in the Temple of Heaven once sacred to China's emperors MENTONE CRATS estival will be July 7 8 Money made at the sale will help support community projects Everyone is invited to attend touched the surface 17 times before sinking The record of 24 skips still stands Someone literally stole the show in the Buffalo NY suburb of Hamburg Police were searching for 30 rockets taken from a country club where the fireworkers were supposed to have been launched estivities in Kankakee DI were marred by the injury of four persons One person was hospitalized with bums and three others were treated and released after a test rocket at a gathering landed among boxes of fireworks In Baltimore County Md Donald Ruby 24 of Catonsville died under the wheels of a tractor trailer that was ser ving as a float Ruby fell off the trailer on the way home from the rained out parade Investigators said he ap parently lost his balance while trying to keep a piece of band equipment from falling Beaches near San Diego Calif were swarmed by an estimated 130000 sun lovers and swimmers Lifeguards reported 21 rescues and one drowning Extended orecast Scattered thundershowers Saturday through Monday Lows 60s most sections except around 70 coast Highs in the 80s TTA WtH SWR rttKRM lULMt MEMBER The Associated Press Southern Newspaper Publishers Association and Newspaper Enterprises Association By WILLIAM STEI RSVP is slowly taking on a new meaning in this country Traditionally the letters are the acronym for the rench phrase repondez s'il vous plait which sim ply means: please reply But RSVP also stands for Retired Senior Volunteer Program the biggest federally funded volunteer program in the nation One of the beauties of RSVP is that probably the cheapest federal program there is It now employs 253000 volunteers aged 60 or more in 682 projects around the US Its budget this year is $201 million The volunteers average four to eight hours of work weekly Helen Kelley the ex nun who Tins RSVP thinks her program is the most cost effective in the nation iguring conservatively she says each hour of a time cost US taxpayers 39 cents Miss Kelley 55 ran Immaculate Heart College in Los Angeles for 15 years Her name was placed on a list of potential RSVP directors in early 1977 She seek the job it sought her RSVP got rolling in 1971 under the umbrella volunteer agency ACTION (not an acronym) It grew at a healthy rate and soon outstripped two somewhat similar programs oster Grandparents and Senior Companions which pay older people low wages for specific chores RSVP pay volunteers anything Nor does the federal government have much to say about what Individual projects do Organization and recruiting are local ACTION furnishes a little money The Dearborn County Ind Social Council is a typical sponsor of a typical local project The council was created by Dellas Roos a nur sing home operator in 1972 It got the ACTION money to start its RSV project The county RSVP project now is nn by Susan Klopfer 31 who headquarters at Aurora Ind a town on the Ohio River southwest of Cin cinnati When you ask Mrs Klopfer what the volunteers do she laughs and 'V Ml 1 41 Sentinel By CARMEN WANN Ul Sentinel Staff Writer ij 40 YEARS AGO this week "Six thousand Alabama teachers failed to receive their salary checks on time at least once during the school year just closed according to the June issue of the Education Bulletin published by R1 the Alabama Education Association Of this number more than 2000 teachers received salaries late five times and more than 3000 received their salaries late three times This survey was based on reports received from fifty seven of the sixty seven rural school systems of Alabama and does not include statistics for the city systems Jackson County teachers were not amoung those who failed to receive their salary checks on time All teachers were paid promptly last year but the Board of Education incurred a heavy interest charge" JULY SiS CLEARANCE SALE of All Summer Goods (at the Shoppe) had Toddler dresses and suits all summer styles and materials $198 value $100 value for69 cents One rack of $100 values for49 cents a All Shirley Temple Dresses Reduced! $198 values $119 $129 and $149 fl June Preston and Cinderella rocks to sell for only69 cents WOODVILLE fl NEWS Miss Pauline Stroud and Cecil Roy Butler were married Saturday 9 July 1 The bride is the lovely daughter of Mr and Mrs Shirley Stroud of 9 Grant and is a graduate of DAR and attended business college in North Carolina The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Earl Butler of Woodville and is a popular member of the Jackson County teaching force having received his education att Woodville High and Jacksonville State teachers college Jacksonville SETLI PERMANENT WAVE SHOP Young' Apartments East Side Square over VM Proctor Grocery Specials! TenVfl Days Only! Beginning July 5 1939 Regular $250 May Murray 50 cents 3 Regular $350 Permanent75 cents Regular $500 Croq Oil Per fl Regular $750 Double Oil 6 years ex perience (Come with hair shampoed) LOCAL NEWS Waco Derrick Aubrey I Green red Sanders and Woodrow Steeley left Saturday night for a trip to the air a 30 YEARS AGO this week riday July 1st 1949 a new Superintendent of Education for Jackson County was sworn into office for a four year term 9 He is Delbert Hicks who succeeds rank Hodges who has been fl Superintendent for sixteen years and has made a fine record in that office POLIO SUBSIDES HERE As the Sentinel type forms close Monday night 9 no new cases of polio have been reported in the city or county indicating fl that there is no epidemic There have been only three cases in Scottsboro fl during the last six weeks and no new cases in the last two weeks JUDGE 9 WYATT STUART Commander of VW Post 6073 will conduct a joint meeting of all VW members and their wives mothers sisters and daughters who are interested in organizing an Auxiliary here in our town Bl on Wednesday night July 6th at 7:30 at the City Community House 20 YEARS AGO this week STEAM PLANT EMPLOYS 650 on new ad dition About 650 employees are building the 500000 kilowatt generating unit which will bring Widow Creek Steam Plant capacity to en units and 117500 kw The new unit is estimated to cost $86 million BILL WOODALL was installed as president of Scottsboro Rotary Club Rev Bob Mowery of Payne installed Mr Woodall and the other of ficers JOHN ULLER is the new president of the Pisgah Civitan Club ELWOOD MOODY was elected worshipful master of Bridgeport Lodge 543 AM TEEN AGE DANCE HELD There will be a Hi i dance at the Recreation Hall riday night from 7 til 10 MRS RH SMITH was hostess to the Alice Sanders Book Club at her home Thursday (Stevenson News) LITTLE DEBORAH AUSTIN daughter of Mr and Mrs Dan Austin celebrated her sixth birthday Saturday afternoon at their house in Ider WANT ADS included STOP ITCHING! IN 15 MINUTES After using ITCH ME NOT get your 48 cents back I THE ITCH NEEDS SCRATCHING You feel the medication take hold Itch and burning disappear! Use instant drying ITCH ME NOT day or night for eczema ringworm insect bites foot itch other surface rashes TODAY at WH PAYN DRUG CO Sfla Ol Jirbxa wall Silo 141 Daily Published daily Tuesday through riday afternoons and Sunday mornings by Scottsboro Newspapers Inc JAMES HARKNESS President Editor and Publisher Tijm George Advertising Manager Peggy erguson City Editor Edna Kirhy Office Manager Bookkeeper Perry Sw eat Circulation Director Production Supervisor Dawson uneral services will be 4 nm today for Jason (Bill) Dawson 4 Scott sboro who died Wednesday in Jackson County Hospital Services will be from Scottsboro uneral Home Chapel with the Rev James Tisdel officiating Burial in Pin6 Haven Memorial Gardens Suvivors Include: parents Mr ano Mrs James Dawson a brother Jams Dow Dawson and grandparents Mr and Mrs Campbell Opel Dawson and James Dawson all o( Scottsboro uneral services were to be today (or KB Mrs Elma lowers Carter 82 sboro who died Tuesday The services were to be from Mt flH Baptist Church with the Revs Donald Goolesby and Luther Anderson nJ delating Burial in church cemetew Sie Is survived by several nieces aS Iflhj nephews The Dailv Sentinel is successor to The Progressive Age (established The Jackson County Sentinel and the Sentinel Age Publication offices 704 East Laurel Street Scottsboro Alabama Second Class Postage paid at the Post Office in Scottsboro Alabama 35768 The Daily Sentinel reserves the right of reproduction and publication of all news and advertising contents of this newspaper To reach all depart ments Phone 259 1020: Office Hours: Daily 8 am to 5 pnt Saturdays 8 am to 1 pm Closed Sundays page one continued nth i 111 fl ti I 9 a 1 5 1 If you don 't that one Mr Secretary here's my suburban commuter automobile that runs on weeds and ctabgrass 0 i.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.