The Newark Advocate from Newark, Ohio (2025)

2C THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2024 THE GRANVILLE SENTINEL Editor Lanka, 740-328-8576 Sports Reporter Weidig, 740-328-8557 Advertising Account Executive Gold, 740-328-8528 Classifieds 740-345-2310 740-587-3397 Fax 740-587-3398 ERVING THE ILLAGE AND OWNSHIP OF RANVILLE SUBSCRIPTION RATES in Licking County; out-of-county DEADLINES News copy: Noon Monday Ad reservations and copy: 4 p.m. Friday The Granville Sentinel, 885-200, is published weekly by Gannett Media 22 N. First Newark, OH, 43055. Periodicals postage paid at Newark, OH, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Please send ad- dress changes to Granville Sentinel, Customer Service, PO Box 1387, Fort Smith, AR, 72902.

2024 The Granville Sentinel Granville Sentinel The PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK The following are property trans- fers recorded in Licking County from April 29 to May 3, 2024. First name indicates the seller; second name represents the buyer Granville 76 Wexford Drive; Law Mark Stephen and Madella White Paul $1,300,225 Granville Township 2939 Sharon Valley Road; Bu- chanan Ruth; McCallum Erin; 2024; $290,000 1893 Columbus Road; 1893 Co- lumbus Rd LLC; Guglielmi Andrew Nello and Guglielmi Julie Gaye; $285,000 Union Township 5534 Lancaster Road; Gunsalus John and Robyn Mary; Thomas Zachary and Thomas Jessica; 2024; $425,000 PROPERTY TRANSTERS Newark Advocate come, Gelsinger said, repeating pre- vious comments that Intel intends to add more factories at the site in the future and that the site could ul- timately become a $100 billion in- vestment for the Silicon Valley com- pany. expect construction workers who come here to their career he said. we the two modules, hey, we want to start the third, then the fourth and then the We just want to con- tinue to build out the location over The project in Licking County will be a magnet for other kinds of work- ers over time, including police cers and teachers. feel home in he said.

feel like we have a value match. We feel that we share goals of what were trying to Intel Continued from Page 1C Mound Park and have returned each summer along a hiking trail, Licking Park District Program Manager Anne Balogh said. fairies found out how nice this place was and thought, going Balogh said. Every year since then, Balogh and a small group of volunteers organize a tour through the quarter-mile er fairy trail, lined with tiny fairy homes hidden in trees and plants in Mound. Along the trail are countless wild- that bloom this time of year, in- cluding the jack-in-the-pulpit plants and the Also in bloom: local pawpaw trees, which pro- duce state native fruit.

Visitors should be careful to stay on the trails, however, as stinging nettle and poison ivy are commonly found in the forest, and visitors who stray from the trails risk causing harm to the more than 75 fairy abodes. Those tiny homes were built with the help of about 40 local businesses and organizations and include a fairy shop, a tiny recycling plant, a and even a branch of the United Fairy Postal Service, where young visitors can send mail and receive letters from the fairies. Balogh said more than 2,500 letters were sent and received via the trail last year, and she estimated more than 5,000 people passed through Mound Park in search of the fairy homes. Most of the letter writers are chil- dren, but occasionally some parents or other adults passing through will write in, thanking the fairies for choosing their park because the trail provides some much needed reprieve and peace in what can be a very stressful world. Though the trail has existed each summer since 2018, images of the fairy homes went viral on social media in 2020, near the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, when families sought safe outdoor activities.

The fairy trail opened for the season May 5 and will remain open until September. a quarter-mile loop lo- cated near Shelter 6 in Mound Park, and maps are available near Mir- ror Lake. More information about the location and future events can be found on the Licking Park District website. Hayden Mong writes for TheRepor-, the news or- ganization of Denison Jour- nalism program, which is supported by generous donations from readers. Fairies Continued from Page 1C More than 40 local businesses and organizations helped create fairy structures, including the fairy recycling center and a fairy station, for a fairy trail at Mound Park south of Granville.

PROVIDED BY HAYDEN MONG Upcoming events at the Granville Public Library are listed below. Library closed Date: Sunday, May 26 Monday, May 27 Summer Vacation: The Adventure Be- gins! Summer reading booklets, pizza and refreshments will be available on the way home from the last day of school. Rising grades K-6. Date: Thursday, May 30 Time: p.m. Location: Community Room GPL at the Market Library staff will be at the Farmers Mar- ket to answer questions about the li- brary's summer reading program for children, teens and adults.

Day: Saturday, June 1 Time: 8:30 a.m.-noon Location: Raccoon Valley Park, 1225 River Road Book Sale Swap Get set for summer with the library's Book Sale Swap! Swap out your old books for a new-to-you book! Do you have good-condition books that have been published in approximately the last five years? Donate up to five books per person to the sale beginning May 25 and receive a coupon for each book donation that can be redeemed for a free book at the sale. Bring your books to swap to the Children's Department by May 31. Visit the book sale in the community room on June 1. Use your coupons for free books and purchase additional items for $1. You do not need to partici- pate in the swap to come to the book sale.

Proceeds benefit the Friends of the Granville Public Library. During the last hour of the sale, you can fill a traditional brown grocery bag for Date: Saturday, June 1 Time: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: Community Room Licking Park Outdoor Ad- ventures Library staff will be at the Licking Park Outdoor Adventures to answer questions about the library's summer reading program for children, teens and adults. Day: Saturday, June 1 Time: Noon-4 p.m. Location: Infirmary Mound Park, 4351 Lancaster Road Information submitted by the Granville Public Library.

LIBRARY NOTES Special to Granville Sentinel USA TODAY NETWORK Garden magazine and then again on had been on the market for a year and a half because it was decorated like a museum. Nobody could see past Snider said. Mendoza, a world history major in college, loved the idea of living in a relic from the past. grew up in LA, so we have houses like Mendoza said.

us, we had a 1920 Spanish in the hills of Hollywood and thought that was an- tique. Then we got here and saw houses from the Originally, Mendoza and Snider heard a story that the house had burned to the ground when Arnold set several others ablaze during the Revolution, but Snider did some historical research and found that the case. of the townspeople, entering the house soon after they left it, extin- guished the with a barrel of according to Frances Manwaring Caulkins, who wrote the history of the home in his 1852 book of New London, The house has other imprints of his- tory, such as a carving on a windowsill with the letter and half a letter credited this to Robert Man- waring, a son of Christopher who grew up to be a physician. story we were told about, al- though it was just conjecture, was may- be one of the servants busted him, and he never was able to the Snider said. Mendoza and Snider live in the Man- waring House alongside their four dogs, three cats, 16 chickens, four ducks and three geese.

The Lane property on which the house now sits used to be a sheep grazing pasture, so in tribute, adorned the yard with sheep sculptures. a responsibility to be good stewards. I mean, if been around that long, I want to be the last Snider said. done a lot of changed nothing Men- doza said. only changed things that were put in afterward.

So the house still has every piece of history that it did when we bought Though some aspects of the home have been modernized the home has light bulbs, invented a century after the house was built much of it remains original, including the 18th century hardwood found throughout the home. The most thing for the home- owners to keep up with has been the ex- terior maintenance: Mendoza and Snid- er had to replace the roof after recent se- vere weather. The Manwaring House is available to rent through short-term vacation rental sites like Airbnb. The renters range any- where from Denison parents here for the weekend to history who travel long distances to see the colonial home. last guests actually knew more about the house than we Snider said.

heard James and Dolley Madi- son liked to drink a certain type of bran- dy, so they brought it here and made a toast in the Mendoza said. Emmet Anderson writes for TheRe-, the news organization of Denison Journalism program, which is support- ed by generous donations from readers. An and an are carved into one of the windowsills in the Manwaring house, credited to one of the children on the original owner. PHOTOS PROVIDED BY EMMET ANDERSON Current owners Scott Snider (left) and Tony Mendoza have tried to honor the history of the house while maintaining the home. House Continued from Page 1C.

The Newark Advocate from Newark, Ohio (2025)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.