The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2025)

4 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14103 PAGE FOURTEEN MIDSEASON DRIVE OF CRIMSON TEAM STARTED BY COACH Drill to Prepare Harvard for Big Games Commenced by Haughton. CAMBRIDGE, Oct. 16. Percy Haughton started his football players off into the last half of their season today, picking out the best team available and keeping close behind it during a long session of plays. The signal drill followed the usual long Monday session of individual instruction, but tomorrow and next day, if the men are in shape, the coaches plan to hold their regular midseason drive.

This dash of hard football, which usually shows the coaches the men to rely on for the big game, will have 10 be carried out without several of the most candidates, however. This afternoon there was some light thrown on the future when most of the cripples came down to the fleld, although few of them were in their playing clothes. Bond, the halfback, who fractured a ahoulder in the Tufts game, is not likely to play for 8t long time, but lalfback Flower, and the linemen, Taylor. Lovell. Clark and Snow, all are expected to be in shape some hard work before Harvard meets Cornell.

Cornell Hunting Ends to Bolster Up Eleven. ITITACA, N. Oct. about the failure of the Cornell end material to show strength on a par with the big line and fast back field the Cornell coaches today took up the question of finding two atrong wing men in time for the Har. vard game.

With the status of Eckley. last year's right end, in doubt. Zander, two weeks behind in condition, and the other ends, Ryerson, Ellenberger, Unsworth and Iloff. failing to develop speed in getting down under kicks, end situation is far from satisfactory. The race backfield positions is growing keener, the work of and Speed so good as to require Benedict and Hoffman to excel their previous performances in order to be sure of holding places.

Speedy Rush Keeps Men Working on Interference. inary student. Several Shifts Made on Yale's Big Eleven. PRINCETON, N. Oct.

by a number of men who are enjoying a hard earned rest after the strenuous game on Saturday and by A number who are studying for 1m- pending examinations, the P'rinceton football given long workout this afternoon. Coach Rush departed from his usual custom of 8 Monday rest and worked the team even harder than ever. Though there was no scrimmage, more: than An hour WAS devoted to interference practice, which is Just as hard on the men as 3. real scrimmage. Home those absent today were Uighley and Eddy, who are studying for exams, and Wilson, who 18 afdicted with A laboratory course.

Moore in unable to get into logs on account of his injury. No swearing is allowed on the Tiger freshman squad this year. (ruick shank, the coach, 1s a theological sem. scrimmage. 15c Each CLARION 28 in.

LENOX in. Two heights in the new COLLAR For Sale by THE B. R. BAKER 00. 429-439 Euclid Are.

NEW HAVEN, Oct. of the varsity men were given a rest from scrimmages at Yale field this afternoon but all had 10 report and had the promised hard work of Coach Jones as result of the Lehigh ture game of Saturday, long An scrimmage encouraging between fea- lie two picked teams was the work of Callahan at center for the frat time since the season opened. His shoulder is In good enough shape for him to become the regular center but Vorys who returned as center on the scrubs showed that he will have to work for the place. Charlie Taft, who has been playing center since Callahan. Vorys and Smith have been Of 4'-- the game was moved to tackle where he seemed much more at home.

Gates and: Cumerford were given 110 rest and played at the end positions on the first team. Hutchinson, who has been at the infirmary for A couple of weeks, was put in at fullback late in the scrimmage, replacing Braden who was sent to, the second team to develop his defensive work. Braden made two touchdowns early in the .1 MUTT and JEFF Jeff's Intentions 1914, Were by IL. Good C. Fisher.

Even if Trade He Mark Did Rec. 0. 8: Dampen Pat. Of. the Sailor's 1: By Bud Fisher, MR.



FEEL AT HOME A 4 of 8t to State is First Ohio Team to Beat 100 Mark Instances of Buckeye College Elevens Exceeding a Score of 50 Against Other Ohio Teams Are Very Rare. AN far as can be nacoriained through an examination of the records as contained in the football guides, Ohio State's 128 to 0 victory over Oberiin Saturday was the frat devon has over time any Ohio college rolled up more than 100 points against another college eleven oft the state. It. was also the first time in recent Ohio years that Oberlin had seen A11 eleven pile up more than fifty points against her in a single game. Prior to Saturday, Ohio Wesleyan had held the scoring record of the Buckeye State, having necumulated eighty-five points against Findlay, but Findlay was not much better than a high achool team at that time.

Below is given a list of twentyfive games in which one Ohio eleven scored fifty 01 more points againat another. Ohio State appears as the victor in five auch games, Denison four times, Wesleyan three times. Reserve three times, Oberlin twice. Kenyon twice, Case twice. Marietta twice, Mount I'nion once and Ohio ONCP.

This list, while not: complete. is nearly Oberlin, the goat last Saturday, can content itself in the fact it defeated State 50 to 0 onre, but that was many many Years ago. Most of the big acores were gained at the expense Of Wooster. Reserve ran it in Wittenberg. Otterbeln, Heldelberg and 1003, when it lost to Oberlin by a AGOrA of 18 to 0.

Tho partial list follows: Score, Winning and Lowing Trains. Year. Ohio state va. 85 0... Wralezan 1914 824 1914 Ohio Htate VA.

11449 8.... Union 4'A. 1014 Denison VA. 1912 0.... Deniaon 191A Marietta vo.

1915 Denison VA, Akron 1915 V3, 1904 63 Oberlin VA. Reserve 1008 Kenyon 1008 Ohio State VA. 1010 61 Wreleyan VA. Ohio Northern 1915 vo, 1012 13... 'ANG 1014 Kenyon VA.

1004 0... Reserve VA. 1908 Hate va. 1913 51 Wesleyan 1014 de 0.... Ohio State Ta.

3910 53 Hrserve VA. 1913 0... uhto vs. 1911 50. Oberlin va.

Ohio Stat 1802 80 Keserve 1'A. What's Doing in Theaters OPER.I HOUSE Perquson in fI new comedy of American life, "Shirley Kaye." .1 amusing play, excellently acted, and affording full. scope to the fine talents of this' very charming and gifted young star. COLONIAL -Grand opera presented by the San Carlo company Last night, "Rigoletto;" tonight. "Cavalleria Kusticara" and Pagliacci." I great opportunity 10 hear standard operas worthily sung by first-class company.

HIPPODROME--Keith, big time vaudeville, with a bill that is probably the best of the season. Adelaide and Ilughts are the headline attraction in A dance art of rare merit. Valerie Bergere is also very good. Penalty of Sin," a dashing melodrama with a detective fraturr. W'ell acted, and filled with enough thrills to satisfy the most exacting seeker of sensations.

MILES- lauderille. sextette heads the bill with a high 'class musical offering. Plenty of comedy and light music, together with variety features to balance the bill. "The Bachelors' Club," a musical satire on club life as the featured attraction. Rest of the bill standard.

vaudeville arts. STAR- -Burlesque. will Kennedy, the principal comedian in a sh090 called "The Sightseers." Good burlesque entertainment of the improved sort. EMPIRE -Burlesque. "The Cabaret Girls." 1 show given over, a5 its title implies, to mirth and merriment, with pretty girls having a prom inent part.

LIBERTY-laudeville. musical and fashion show the headline attraction. Other variety arts complete the bill. GORDON SQUARE -Jaudeville. Isabella Miller and her company in a comedy playlet the most prominent act on the bill.

The Star Keeps Up in Big Burlesque Shows. dream, after all. OLD CROW RYE The Sightseers, a rollicking burlesque of the new order, is the attraction at the Star theater this week. Clean burlesque of a bigger and better port has been the Star's watchword for 3. long time, and the "Seers" amply demonstrate what can be done along these lines.

The shun is big from start to finish, AS big as the ordinary musical comedy, and prements bunches of fun that are now and and clever. a chorus on A par In its composition, and more distinctive with any production that uses a chorus adenic embelliahment than is usually noted. Better than all that. it is clean AR A whistle from start to finish. The co-stare are Will J.

Kennedy and Jack Miller. hoth popular with burlesquo fans. Kennedy as the country darn presents 14 style of rural comics that always makes hit. In action. Kennedy calls himsett a "limb of the law." of course, the chorus numbers have to he led.

so there are genuine principals galore. All of them possessing the proper kind of stage appearance. plus singing and dancing ability. of stage, they Are known as Miss Kitty Kathryn Dickey. Harry Kelly, allas Forsythe, MisS Flo Be Davis.

and Miss the "Weasel," shows his powers 88 8 character man. by playing nine distinct parts throughout the show. The specialties arp all good and of the cheerful sort. One that made a big impresalon yesterday is called the "Dope Fiend's Dream." taking place in the Country Club. and after the is over.

turns out. to be all dream, after all. Rez. D. B.


Kirk Co. New York, N. Y. MAY TEACH ALIEN TONGUE IN SCHOOLS Board Reverses Decision Allowing Bohemian Language Taught. Postpones Trial of Platoon Plan at Four City Schools.

a Still sharply divided. bourd of education members yesterday reversed al former decision and granted Cleveland Bohemian. societies the 190 of Rice, Clark, Sackett and Milford schools for the teaching of the Bohemian Ianguage and other subjects. 11' Among other things the board did at yesterday's meeting were: Approved the appointment President Edward Bushnell. Mias Emma Perking and F.

M. Williams DR a Mpecial committee to Inak4 preliminary plans for the appointment of D. successor 10 School Superin-: tendent J. M. I.

Frederick nest August; Authorized Supt. Frederick to investigato the causes of the big decrease in the enrollments this year at. night high and elementary schools, and to report to the next meeting: Postpone l'iatoon Trint, Postponed the system at proposed Ilicka. trial Rice. of the platoon Mount Pleasant end Wooldridge schools for another Amended a previous rule excluding Warrensville township children from Corlett school so as to admit them on statutory terms.

At. the close of the meeting Supt. Frederick gave out the following statement in reply to a question as to whether he would be: a candidate for re-election next "Someilme between the first of May and the last of August next year It will be the legal duty of the board of education to select someone to serve a term as superintendent of schools. "It will then be its moral duty to select from the available list of educators the person who will best servo the Interests of the school children of Cleveland. "Speaking personally, I did not, ask the board for: my in The same is true of my re-appointment in 1917.

"That my position may be perfectly never. plain, asked 1 wish the to board, say or that any I men- have of the board, for any. 'personal favor and I see no reason to do so in the future." Reversal of the former decision in regard to the granting of the use of the schools named to the Bohemian societies was made possible when P. W. stated that his former objection no longer obtained.

Members voting for granting the request were Mrs. Virginia 10, (ircen, Mark Li Themsen. F. W. Steffen and 1.

D. Quarrie, President Edward a Bushnell, Miss Emma Perkins and 1. M. Williams were against the proposal. long as these people settle in their OWN communities, read their foreign newspapers.

attend foreign church services, call in their foreign doctor when they are sick. go to their foreign lawyer when they are in difficultles and are buried by their own foreign undertaker when they dic, this country does not get the benefit of their good qualities," president Bushnell declared. Mrs. Elmer B. Wright, on behalf of the board of management of the Western Reserve chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

wrote congratfulating the board on, "its wise and; patriotic decision in regard to the fuse of public schools for the teaching! of a foreign language." In a lengthy statement covering the causes of the decrease in the enrollment at night schools. Mr. Bus' nell stated that 4:: per cent. of the 8 pupils registered in elementary high schools in 1014-15 were over 21 years oi age. The Jewish hollday and ceptional activity were cited by Mr.

the Kushnell decline 88 in contributory' enrollment. causes to! The advisory board of the Memphis Community Center recommended that: the charge of 1. cents A month for each person be roduced to 23 coots aL family, The communication was refurred to the welfare committee. Alumni Charge Evening Schools Are Inadequate Charges that the evening schools of Cleveland are far behind those of any other large city in the United States and that their dipiomas are worth-1 legs, were contained in a communication from the Cleveland High School Alumni Association read at yesterday's meeting of the board of education. "The schools are not graded A 05 high schools or any grade by the superintendent of public instruction.

and the clerk board of education hag not: furniahed the auperintendent of public instruction with any information regarding our evening high schools. as required by law." the letter. said. association recommends' the board to tatablish evening high schools thirty-two weeks, with a course of study equal to those Cincinnati many other cities in the United States an drequests the clerk to conform with the law and rive the superintendent of public instruction all inforination regarding courses. yo that they may he listed as Arst grade or second grade evening high schools." Mrs.

Sarah M. Hyre, school board clerk, in a written communication to the board, stated that in 1913, Cleveland high schools, after inspection, were rated a9 first grade. The question was referred to the committee on educational management and the of schools. re Hipp Bill is Filled With Clever Acts the American marries the girl. a concession 10 the tastes ut vaudeville audiences that 'Is The sketch is well acted.

although without any great appeal to it. and is called "Little Cherry Miniature Review" is a truly marvelous mannikin act, and is easily one of the big hits of the bill. It is one of the best things. in novelties. seen in vaudeville for 1.

long while. Jack and Kitty Demaco open the bill with an acrobatic number, using the flying rings, Clark and Verdi follow their act in a genuinely funny bit of Italian comedy dialog. Har. ry Gilfoll makes the hit that he always does in his well known charac-' terization of an elderly "sport." His comedy is quiet and clean, but ef: fective. Ben Deely and Lillian Steele have comedy skit in which' Mr.

Deely "blacks up" and becomes A comedian bell hop. The Hipp bill as Adelaide and Hughes are very properly the featured offering at the Hippodrome this week. It is safe to say that there are no better dancers. 011 the American stage than this" remarkable couple and it is with extreme regret. that.

in their present Ting there is an entirely needless' attempt 011 their part to clutter up their dance with extrancous hopping and skipping that de(tracts from even if it cannot destroy the great beauty of their performance. Not that Miss Adelaide or Mr. flughes indulges personally in this extrancous atuff, but they have suffered it to be introduced in their act -maybe they put it: In themselves. There is no way telling. The regrettable feature comes in the Arst part their number, when dozen or so half clad women.

for some reabO1 or other that only the program explains, for their dancing doesn't. frolic around playfully qu Mr. Keith's green stage carpet. is a amall thing to criticize, perhaps, but Adelaide and Hughes and the art of which they are masters are too valuable nowadays to suffer from this sort of dance clutter. Aside from this their performance is the same brilliant dancing that we're come to years past.

You may go further associate with their names for several! that and say that Adelaide never danced so nearly perfectly as she dId yesterday afternoon and last night at the Hippodrome. Mr. Hughes. too. shows marked improrement over dancing that was already the best of its kind.

Their big dance number is 811 allegorical ballet with war as the background and is splendid performance in every way. Joseph Howard and Ethlyn Clarke shared the big honors yesterday aftErnoon with Adelaide And Hughes, Miss Clark's share in the act was principally to wear gorgeous gowns, muny of them in the course of the number. and one especially la deserv. ing of record as A dramatic achievement in this. that.

Miss Clark was able to wear a hat around her waist and make it look so nearly like dress that the women in the audience were fairly awed in admiration. Howard is a great entertainer and with Miss Clark's bewildering sartoI rial assistance his pongs. old. some new. were so enthusiastically rereired that he almost stopped the show.

as the vaudeville saying goes. Valerie Bergere and A competent company present a Japanese playlet of the "Madame Butterdy" type. only different in this that, in the end. la whole is one of the best of the season, headliners and all included. -0- Japan has been added to the countries using motion pictures for educational purposes, Every Day is 2'S DAY The PERFECTI 2 WHISKEY WHISKEY IT'S CLOTHES THAT MAKE THE ACTOR -CHIEP ROWE.

Police Ban Vaudeville Costumes on Sunday; Formal Dress is 0. Singing and Playing Musical Instrument Not Considered Acting. What constitutes a costume? Chief of Police W. S. Rowe and Police Prosecutor James L.

Lind spent many studious moments pondering over this question yesterday. The question WAS brought about through the Sunday vaudevillo investigation, which resulted In the AIrest Sunday of John F. Royal, manager of the Hippodrome theater. They decided that when worn by persons appearing on Cleveland stages on; Sunday, A full dress suit 'or be a. low.

considered neck a dreas costume. will no longer This means there is no place 011 Cleveland stages ou Sunday for character actors, jugglers, acrobata and monologists. But musicians and. singers clothed in street dress or a full dress sult or dress cut low at the neck perform 011 Cleveland stages on Sunday, because: "Playing of 4 musical instrument singing will not bin considered acting," Chief Rowe said. Action against managers of Cleveland vaudeville houses was begun Sunday by police following order from Chief Rowe, "to check the managers of Cleveland vaudeville houses who are infringing on the theatrical law, which allows no act to be staged in which the performer wears coStumes or does aby talking.

"By Infringing a lottle each Chief Rowe said. managers of Cleveland vaudeville houses have recently bern staging complete vaudeville shows." Rowe refused to prosecute Mr. Royal and the manager of the ilippodrome was released. According to Chief Rowe. the police were at fault in Sir.

Royal's case. Mr. loyal, the chief says, had never been told he was Infringing on. the law when he allowed costumed actors. to perform 011 the Hippodrome stage ON Sunday.

Managers of the other vaudeville. theaters in Cleveland will be summoned before next Sunday to the chief's office, where "just-how-faryou-can-go' will he explained to them. An aviation school has been established at under of the Peruvian government. Comedy Skit Makes All Laugh at Gordon Square. Isabella Miller, in a clever comedy sketch, "The New gets enough laughs from her Gordon! Square audiences this week to satisfy the most ambitious vaudeville performer.

Miss Miller is supported by i a capable company, and the is given 8 good presentation. Stiller herself is a bright and en-: gaging actor. Tex d'Art has' his Vaudeville ing. of painting in water colors. on: the stage, which audiences like very much.

The Lindermans have EL wire act that is above the ordinary, Gypsy Meredith sings delightfully, and Berti and: Josephine, in an musical act. completes the bill. Marriage Licenses Jack Miller, 27, Burton, Kuru, 25. Lakewood. Charles Ketz, 3406 F.

530-Tetta Marshner, 2885 111th. William Williams, 34, 4814 SI ClairMargaret Getons, 30, 4511 2700 St. Clair. I Giuseppe Crea. Scovill pina Alexander Rigglo, 19.

Miller. 2700 34. Scovill. 048 Eddy roadAnnie Pihlquint. 32, Lakewood.

Fruahaut, 20, 601 Denison- Anna Dennerline, 25, 10017 Greenlawn. Thoinas Dovier. 2, E. 10th-Sophia Fredecker. 12.

11408 St. Clair. Alvin Tressel, 20. 337 E. Farquhaason.

19. 2300 W. 7th. Josef Svihra, 35, Lakewood -Helen Pillar, 36. 3133 Clark.

Mack Mahoney, 2218 F. 430-Florence Jackson, 30, E. 10th. Charles Adelstein, E. Leaser, 22.

E. Joe Pamatiert, 21. It. 334 Jennie Allen Mercurio. 11, Hackett, 1,6.

New Oricans Siade2520 E. 19th, leine Bourne, 25, 2066 E. E. 77th. Minton Hall.

2371 Snowden. William 20, Bell. 2873 1. 2172 R. 13d.

Shirley, 28, 9210 80th. Heath, 2140 F. Curtis. 595 E. 144th.

Jack lakola, 2887 Detroit- -Lempi Paarola, 23, 2833 Detroit. Richard e'laghorn. 21, S. navy- Dorothy. 3faurice Rudolf.

Katz. 19, 21.. East 2042 Cleveland. F. 47th Lillian 19.

12. 05th. Louis Myerovich. 85. YoungstownHalberstadt.

24. 3419 Hawthorne. Edw. Morest, 30. 379 E.

124th-Mary Woddan, 24. 812 College. Fred Hinnhuber, Rose Bethke. 20. 6612 Bridge. Collins: 84, 2:30 E. 43d -France Burns, 34. 2203 E. 103d. Oscar Sewell.

E. Whitney. 19. 1630 E. Merchant, 24, 2262 E.

10let. Clarence Chinn. 32. A Edmonds -Lucia: Goin Tax Value of Hallway. AL The state: tax: commission's figures Axing the tax value of the Cleveland Railway Co.

At were received by County Auditor John A. Zangerle yesterday. According to Mr. the value is about $5.000,000. below the true.

Value. Mr. Zangerlo contends that the corporation should be taxed upon the value of its stock and 3. fantry, stationed at Columbus, N. is searching for a Cleveland friend who aided hirn when he WAS out of work and in destitute circumstances.

The man has offices in the eighth floor of the Commercial bullding between Fuclid avenue and Superior avenue on 4th street: and a country home at. Chagrin Falls, Courtney An Patrolmen yesterday learned that cloth for new uniforms had doubled in price since last year. The sad news wag broken- at the annual uniform inspection day in the police department when Capt. Jacob Graul ordered some of the men to obtain new uniforms. Searches for Aiding Friend.


N. JUST ON THE A THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ARE "JUST ON THE BORDER" of bad health, a crisis which, unless speedily and effectually averted will throw them into a long conflict with disease. Behind the largest per cent. of physical breakdowns, BAD will be found ambushed. You can not reach and overcome this outlaw of your system with ordinary medicinal ammunition.

You must hunt him down and fight bim band to hand with S.S.S., a POWERFUL CLEANSER OF THE BLOOD. Write for out FREE books on Blood and Skin Diseases, or to our Medical Advisory Department for advice. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC 187 Swift Ridge Attzata, Ga. THE GREAT NATIONAL BLOOD PURIFIER Comedy and Tunes That Catch Mark Empire Bill. The Cabaret Girls at the Empire theater this week is real burlesque show, In its general make-up and presentation.

the producer has taken Into consideration the public taste for such things and made tho but on the "as you like it" plan. Mike Kelley, well known here because of his part in stock burlesque a season REO, puts over most of the fun. Not far behind are JoP. Rose and Irving Gear, the three of them running through a multitude of comedy. situations that brought down the house, vesterday.

Claude Lightner and Harry Parker sing popular songs in a manner that brings applause in 110 unmistakeable terms. Dot Darnett as leader in the rendition of several catchy notably the "Kangaroo" and Walking the made hig hit. And there was fancy dancing numher. presented br Blancy and Williams which showed this pair to be adopts in the topsichorean art. Of course.

Margie Catlin and Jessin Stoner carried away their share of the entertainment honors. The scenery and effects used in the two burlettas, the Cabaret Girls Reception and Vacation are unusual and quite away from the ordinary. Fashion Show Hit of Bill at the Liberty. "The Fashion Girls" is A musical act at the Liberty this week that yesterday made the best impression on the although the acts. were well received, too.

other. name implies, the big act is a style symposium made into an attractive! vaudeville attraction by means of pretty girls, and just enough of 8 to hold the whole thing together. The gown: worn are very gorgeous. and the whole moves very gracefully. Harvey Berger.

44. first-rate comedian, helps the act immensely. Hoyt, Stein and Daly have number of songs that yesterday's audienves liked. Capt. lord.

the "musical soldier." has an act that possesses novelty and merit. The Juggling Wagners, the Mangene troupe of acrobats. and Frick and Adair with selections from both light and grand opera. complete the bill. Mrs.

Mary Woolsey of Omaha, thro titie of mother. At she: is the mother of peven children, of whom are: Anti the Atepmother af She la Are feet tail and weighs 120 pounds, When ahe was 14 sears old she married a idower with seven children, An Old English Brew House One of The Secrets of Good Beer is Fire BrewingThe modern way of reducing manufacturing cost is to use steam heat to brew beer. It enables the brewer to economize but steam brewed beer is not as good as "Fire beer. Thele IS a great difference. Brewed in Stroll's Bohemian Wurzburger Detroit seer is the only American beer brewed over direct fire heat.

It's the most expensively made beer in America, The most tamous Beers abroad are "fire SERVED CLEVELAND BRANCH -1630 E. 40th St. WHEREVER Phone: Bell Cent. Rosadale 6702 1010 to for a your case residence delivered QUALITY COUNTS 3.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2025)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.